

A monthly exploration of JFK’s vision of peace and Henry George’s prosperity-creating economics.

TrineDay’s Roundtable 38:  Jenga and the Broken Dialectic

The Collective dream will work when we consciously imagine that   JFK’s Warrior of Peace* together with Henry George’s Economic Justice* will create a world we can live in. When we use mystical power correctly it builds a lasting vision that overtakes the shaky dialectic of the Jenga system as it collapses into itself. “Correct thought leads to correct action; this is the way out of the Jenga Dialectic trap!”

FREE Zoom Event Wed. Feb. 12, 2025 3:00 – 4:30 pm Eastern

RSVP HERE and join us to discuss Peace and Economic Justice

*How Paul and Liz discovered JFK’s Warrior of   Peace mission can be read HERE.

*Alanna Hartzok’s “The Earth Belongs to Everyone” is a FREE PDF at


R.A. “Kris” Millegan, publisher, host

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, authors, journalists

Adam Finnegan, moderator


Watch them HERE

(on the VALEDICTION VISION YouTube Channel)

Roundtable 37
Warriors for Peace and Economic Justice: Following JFK’s Vision (Jan. 15, 2025)

Another great conversation about JFK’s vision of peace and Henry George’s prosperity-creating economics.

Roundtable 36
The Day After and Beyond (Nov. 27, 2024)

Did our November 22 healing ceremony at Dallas Love Field break the spell cast on the nation by JFK’s assassination?

Roundtable 35
The Healing Ceremony of November 22: Breaking the Spell (Oct. 23, 2024)

We discussed PHASE 1, our healing ceremony on November 22, 2024, to release JFK’s Spirit of Peace, enchained by Eros Love. “The ceremony will begin a spiritual chain reaction spreading JFK’s message to everyone.” -Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould.

And PHASE 2, November 23 and onward, activating JFK’s Peace Plan (articulated at American University in June 1963) and Henry George’s Economics of Agape (with land and natural resources becoming the primary source of public revenue), laying the foundation for economic justice and world peace and leading to the New Grange Concert in Ireland.

With mind-blowing context provided by Matt Vaughn, psychotherapist, poet, podcaster, screenwriter, painter, stand-up comedian, and author of MY COSMIC TRIGGER: High Strangeness in Theory & Practice.

Roundtable 34
Planning the Healing Ceremony for November 22
Resurrecting JFK’s Spirit of Peace
(Sept. 25, 2024)
After decades of asking “who’s to blame,” it’s time for the citizens of Dallas and all Americans to come together in a most positive way to resurrect JFK’s spirit of peace through the magic of Love Field. The kickoff starts at the airport in Dallas, November 22, 2024, the 61st anniversary, with a healing ceremony at 2:30 pm CT. Special Guest: Matt Vaughn, author of MY COSMIC TRIGGER: High Strangeness in Theory & Practice, psychotherapist, poet, podcaster, screenwriter, painter, and stand-up comedian.

Roundtable 33

Resurrecting JFK’s Spirit of Peace Through the Magic of Love Field (Aug. 21, 2024)
We focused on the mystical and Dallas Kill 33, the idea that JFK’s assassination was a ritual sacrifice. SPECIAL GUEST Jason Brad Berry, independent journalist, presented on secret Masonic designs in major American cities. SPECIAL GUEST Dr. Richard B. Spence, Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Idaho, discussed the history of the Masons. AUTHORS Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould presented on the deep Fitzgerald history leading to JFK’s assassination and “the importance of Dallas’s Love Field Airport to the completion of that ritual.”

Roundtable 32
Land Value Taxation and THE DEFICIT MYTH from an Earth Rights Perspective (July 17, 2024)
Edward Dodson, researcher and faculty member of the Henry George School of Social Science and Director of the School of Cooperative Individualism (“Land value taxation is a key to affordable housing and to rebuilding distressed communities”), presents on THE DEFICIT MYTH: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy by Stephanie Kelton.

Roundtable 31
Striving for Unified Solutions
JFK’s Vision of Peace, Henry George’s Economic Justice, and Expanding the Narrative
(June 19, 2024)
We examine the history missing from America’s founding through JFK, and what we can do about it through the personal narrative creation process.

Roundtable 30
Special guest Robert M. Morris will present the indispensable contributions to America’s founding made by his ancestor Robert Morris and how he was “written out of history” by his enemies who won the election of 1800. Discussion will follow about the “narrative creation process.”

Roundtable 29
The Alexander Hamilton/Henry George Economic Dialogues (April 17, 2024)
Special Guest Nancy Bradeen Spannaus explains Alexander Hamilton’s American System of economics, created the greatest periods of industrial growth and wealth creation in American history. If combined with George’s economics, would they create opportunity, prosperity, and peace beyond anything seen before?

Roundtable 28
BUILDING A PEACE ECONOMY by Ending the Monopoly Game!
(March 13, 2024)
Joshua Vincent, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Economics, presented Baltimore: From America’s Workshop to Avatar of Decline, a demonstration of what happened to Baltimore from the end of World War II until the present, including demographic conditions and a land-based solution to revive the people and recharge the economy.

Roundtable 27
(Feb. 14, 2024)
A discussion of JFK’s peace plan, Henry George’s economics, and the 2024 Equinox Earth Day Celebration on March 19. JFK’s peace plan is the antidote to serving war industries (and the politicians they get to scare and bamboozle us). Henry George’s economics unleash prosperity where they are employed. The 2024 Equinox Earth Day Celebration reminds us that “the Earth belongs to everyone” (and challenges us to think positively and take heroic and forward-looking action).

Roundtable 26
(Jan. 17, 2024)
Authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, and Earth Rights Activist Alanna Hartsok explored JFK’s plan for peace, the work of Henry George, the creation of economic justice, and the upcoming 2024 Equinox Earth Day Celebration in March. Also, composer Richard Shulman performed a portion of his piece, CAMELOT.

Roundtable 25
UPDATE FROM DALLAS: JFK and The Long Arc of History (Nov. 29, 2023)
At THE JFK ASSASSINATION, 60 YEARS LATER conference in Dallas on November 16 – 19, 2023, publisher R. A. “Kris” Millegan presented “Swirling Milieus” and journalists and authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould presented “The Deep Answers to JFK’s assassination are hidden in the Mystical—A Fitzgerald’s Revelation.”

At Roundtable 25, they reported on the conference and led a discussion of JFK’s vision for peace and how the economics of Henry George can help us create it.

Roundtable 24.

A Long Mystical Tale That Leads to JFK’s Vision of World Peace (Oct. 25, 2023)
In 1991, Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould started tracing their Fitzgerald family history back 1,000 years to the end of the Fitzgerald rule in Ireland, when they were defeated by the forces of Elizabeth I. That history, which they have identified as Mystical Imperialism and which they review at this Roundtable, led to JFK’s assassination on November 22, 1963.

Roundtable 23.
(Sept. 27, 2023)
A discussion of the upcoming March Equinox Celebration, a day for honoring the Earth and highlighting the economics for peace principles and policies originally envisioned in 1968 by John McConnell, the founder and creator of Earth Day. This event has been celebrated annually at the United Nations since 1971.

Roundtable 22.
“Our original idea was to create a world peace movement based on JFK’s American University Peace Speech. Along the way we discovered that world peace required a transition from an Economy of War to Peace. When we learned about the economics of 19th Century American, Henry George we realized the best way to build peace was based on a foundation of George’s perennial wisdom teachings of economic justice.”

Roundtable 21.

It’s a Lot Easier Than You Might Think (July 19, 2023)
How can I help to make this happen?
How can we harmonize private wealth and commons wealth?
How does addressing the land problem help us build an economy of peace out of war?

Once you see how the land and money problems are connected, that’s your “Eureka” moment.
And you’ll see how to create a world that works for everyone.

Vanessa Beck, Coordinator, Baltimore Thrive (Land Value Tax Project) and a former Coordinating Committee member for Black Alliance for Peace.

Roundtable 20.
(Sayonara, Klaus Schwab and Your “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”) (June 14, 2023)
The goal is to create a narrative to replace Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and to promote the Proposal for World Peace based on economic justice written by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould. Also with us are Earth Rights visionary Alanna Hartzok and Carol Brouillet, Monetary Reform Activist. We can flip the script so there are no masters and slaves, only people who respect each other’s rights, a la the American Founding and ancient models, the Native American, for example. We must address core questions, like, what is money? And, is life merely a commercial endeavor? And, how do we create a world that works for everyone?

America was meant to be a new thing: a place where people govern themselves and are not ruled by a king or a pope (or corporations). The world needs a prosperous and benevolent America. And, like President Kennedy said, “Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.”

Roundtable 19.
Let’s Make King Charles the Henry George of the 21st Century!
SURROUNDING the May 6th Coronation of King Charles III
Parts 1 and 2, May 3 and 10, 2023
Henry George was the most popular speaker in America, after Mark Twain, in the 1800s. He was an economist who taught how the Earth belongs to everyone, how we should be taxed on our UNEARNED income – not our wages and salaries – and how the LAND should be taxed – not the homes and improvements we build on it. Where these ideas are used, prosperity is unleashed – and THE NEW KING must be challenged to share the Earth fairly. He owns ONE-SIXTH OF IT.
Discover the Proposal for Economic Justice World Peace by Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould and the “Open Letter” to King Charles by Earth Rights visionary Alanna Hartzok at

Roundtable 18.
From the Crusades to the Death of JFK, What Does It All Mean? A message to King Charles on his coronation, from a “Birthdate Soulmate”
(April 5, 2023)
Hear Alanna Hartzok’s public letter to King Charles III. Alanna’s letter, packed with deep research, makes the case for the economics of Henry George – the idea that everyone has a right to the planet as a birthright. When land and natural resource values – Commons Rent – become the primary source for raising public revenue, we WILL have economic justice and lasting world peace. (Alanna and Charles were born five hours apart on November 14, 1948, making them “Birthdate Soulmates,” which represents mystical power, which is real and which we all can access.)

Roundtable 17.
For Our Children’s Sake, We Can Build the Economics of Peace. Let’s Get Started NOW! (March 1, 2023)
Learn how the Earth rights ethic can be realized and how we are using the interregnum from the Sept 4th death of Queen Elizabeth to the May 6th coronation of “King Charles” – and the June 10th 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Peace Speech – to promote the economics of peace, culminating with a musical celebration in Ireland.

Roundtable 16.
SACRED RULE ECONOMICS – There Is Another Way To Run This Railroad … Geonomics, Let’s Learn It Together (Jan. 25, 2023)
Guest presenter Alanna Hartzok gives a PowerPoint presentation on “Sacred Rule Economics” showing the perennial wisdom teachings about land, money and public finance. Economic justice will lead the way to world peace when land and natural resource values – Commons Rent – become the primary source for raising public revenue. Read more in our World Peace Proposal at Valediction DOT net, starting on page 37. We’ll leverage the interregnum from the Sept 4th death of Queen Elizabeth to the May 6th coronation of “King Charles” and the June 10th 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Peace Speech to promote world peace based on economic justice culminating with a musical celebration in Ireland.
Alanna Hartzok is an educator, activist and lecturer in the areas of economic justice, land rights, and commons rent public finance, and she is the Administrator for the Baltimore Thrive commons rent policy implementation project. Her book THE EARTH BELONGS TO EVERYONE received the Radical Middle Book Award. She is a recipient of the International Earth Day Award and was a candidate for Congress, for the Green Party in 2001 and the Democratic Party in 2014. Alanna initiated a tax reform bill for the state of Pennsylvania that passed nearly unanimously. Learn more at The International Union for Land Value Taxation, theiu dot org.

Roundtable 15.
The Marriage of World Peace and Economic Justice will create Heaven on Earth (Dec. 21, 2022)
“Peace must replace war as the foundation of life. Economic justice will lead the way when land values become the primary source for raising public revenue. Restructuring taxes so that land, a communal asset, is taxed instead of buildings on the land, has achieved sustainable prosperity for people all over the world. Read more in our World Peace Proposal at Valediction(dot)net/world-peace, starting on page 37. Once it is understood how this plan can work, everyone will want to make Heaven on Earth come true! Please join with us for this exciting discussion.” -Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 14.
A Peaceful Future is Ours … If We Want It (Nov. 16, 2022)

War is an action. Peace is an action. What are you acting on, war or peace?
“We will continue to discuss activation of the World Peace Proposal to build peace as the foundation of life on this planet. Here are some of the ideas generated at Roundtable 13 ready for further development.”“Create a contest for young people to write songs of peace as the kickoff campaign for the jfkworldpeaceproject. The winners’ songs will be performed at the Newgrange concert.”“Individual equality in a democracy cannot exist without equal rights to the abundance of the earth. We’ll further explain how ending war and replacing it with peace will promote economic justice by creating an economy that serves all the people for the first time in history.”
“Promote how to personally embody the energy of peace as a conscious part of the call to action that creates a fellow midwife in the process of birthing the new paradigm of peace. Building a guide for gaining inner peacefulness from an indigenous understanding of peace. You can read the Proposal at Valediction(dot)net/world-peace. Thank you.” – Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 13.
This Paradigm is Ending: What Comes Next? (Oct. 12, 2022)

Building World Peace to Replace World War
“The impact of endless wars – spiritually, mentally and physically – has infected all aspects of life. Everything has been weaponized, including our closest relations. We’ve been leading roundtables to build credibility for the idea that replacing world war with world peace – as a new foundation for life – is the solution. Once established, we’ll be able to focus our full creative powers on fixing all human-made problems that have resulted from war.”“We are pleased that the World Peace Proposal created out of the Roundtables is now available at Valediction(dot)net/world-peace. We want to hear your thoughts about how to create peace as the foundation of life on this planet.” –Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 12.
The Hegelian Dialectic must be dismantled before we can build World Peace (Sept. 14, 2022)
“America’s empire was established in the post-WWII era. We inherited a 19th century European worldview referred to as the Hegelian Dialectic, which is based on the belief that conflict creates history. The dialectic asserted that society could only achieve its highest spiritual consciousness through endless struggles and conflicts between bipolar ideological extremes. Instead of leading to mankind’s highest state, the dialectic laid the foundations for totalitarianism.”
“Today the dialectic can be seen everywhere: democrats against republicans, communists against capitalists, pro-choice versus pro-life. It controls the conflict and the resolution and America’s politics. It has ruined the health of Western civilization by legitimizing the leadership’s unrestrained use of coercion on their citizens in order to stay in power. The only way forward is to abandon the dialectic. We hope you can join us for this critically important discussion.” -Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 11.
JFK’s Dream For World Peace: Nonviolence is Not For Cowards (August 3, 2022)

“Many visionaries for world peace have inspired us. Like JFK, an Afghan named Badshah Khan also dedicated his life to world peace, but few in the West know his name. He launched the Khudai Khidmatgar social movement in 1929 with about one thousand recruits who took an oath to renounce violence and never touch a weapon as they resisted British rule.

Organized like an army, their numbers eventually exceeded 100,000 and included women and men. Khudai Khidmatgar is an active movement to this day. Their success was defined by Gandhi himself, after Khan said to him, “You have been preaching non-violence in India for a long time now, but I started teaching the Pashtuns non-violence only a short time ago, yet in comparison, the Pashtuns seemed to have grasped the idea of non-violence much better than the Indians. How do you explain that? Gandhi replied, “Non-violence is not for cowards. It is for the brave and for the courageous, and the Pashtun are brave and courageous. That is the reason why the Pashtun are able to remain non-violent.

We have much to learn from Badshah Khan’s Khudai Khidmatgar movement. It will be presented at Roundtable 11 as we explore the paradigm shift needed to save the world from endless war: transforming ourselves from warriors for war into warriors for peace. Please RSVP and join with us for this important discussion.” –Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 10.
Let’s Fulfill JFK’s Dream For World Peace: A Plan For Action. Join Us! (June 29, 2022)

“John Fitzgerald Kennedy is regularly rated as one of our greatest presidents, a testament to his continuing ability to inspire hope, faith and courage in Americans. He asked us to take on the most important challenge of our times in 1963; helping him to create world peace. His American University Speech laid out that plan with words that are powerful – so powerful he could have lost his life five months later just because of them. Resurrecting JFK’s plan for world peace is long overdue! We the People must do it. We the People can do it! We the people will do it! And the first step is for, We the People to imagine the peaceful future we want, starting today.” –Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 9.
How Do We Implement JFK’s Dream of World Peace (May 25, 2022)
“We will explore President John F. Kennedy’s dream of world peace and ways to implement it. His American University speech is our launch pad. What he envisioned can still be created, if we act fast.
“The seen and the unseen are being used against us by those who want this planet for themselves. Human dignity is at stake. We need not be led like sheep to the slaughter while the old ways die. As we explore real-world and mystical solutions a new narrative for the peaceful future we deserve will be created.” –Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 8.
How Dreams Activated the Mystical in Our Lives (April 27, 2022)
“For over four decades dreams and synchronicities led us from the politics of Afghanistan to its mysticism. Join us at Roundtable #8 to hear how we discovered that the real power of the political is in the mystical.” -Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould

Roundtable 7.
“Paul and Liz’s Magical Mystery Tour with Oliver Stone and How It Relates to Our Future” (Mar. 23, 2022)
The mystical has long intrigued Hollywood, our intelligence agencies, and the “rulers” of our world.

Roundtable 6.
Resurrect JFK and the USA” (Feb. 16, 2022)
The American Dream thrived during the “Camelot” presidency of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Resurrect his ideals and we’ll resurrect America.

Roundtable 5.
The Quest For The Grail is Resolved: The Oldest Spy Operation In History” (Jan. 19, 2022)
The deep answers are in the mystical. Change is happening. Never give up.

Roundtable 4.
“Into the Mystic: The Murder of JFK and How It Relates to The Valediction”
(Dec. 8, 2021)

Guest Panelists:

  • Jay Dyer, public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. His graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare.
  • Sean Stone, filmmaker (Greystone Park, Enter the Fist, A Century of War, and documentaries) co-host (Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura and the RT news show Watching the Hawks) and author (New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism).
  • Sarah Whalen, journalist, attorney, and author of “Royal Vengeance: The Assassination of Princess Diana and the Ancient Royal Cult of Human Sacrifice.”
  • Katherine Wilson, screenwriter, film-maker, and author of “Echoes From The Set” (Volumes 1 and 2).

Roundtable 3.
“Flipping the Script of the Secret Societies” (Nov. 10, 2021)

Guest Panelist:

  • Jay Dyer, public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. His graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare.

Roundtable 2.
“Afghanistan: America’s Second Vietnam (Forty Years in the Making) and Beyond” (Oct. 13, 2021)

  • How America lured the Soviet Union into Afghanistan in 1979 to demonize her and justify an enormous military buildup under Reagan.
  • How the use of force makes rulers (mystical imperialists) insane (we must put an end to empire).
  • How Washington and Hollywood cast spells through the narrative creation process (propaganda) to hoodwink and hurt nations.

Guest Panelist:

  • Dr. Jawied Nawabi, assistant professor of economics, sociology and international studies at the City University of New York, Bronx Community College; co-editor of the 19th edition of the economics textbook Real World Globalization.

Roundtable 1.
“Afghanistan and Beyond: American Duplicity Since the 1970s” (Sept. 15, 2021)

Guest Panelist:

  • Dr. Jawied Nawabi, assistant professor of economics, sociology and international studies at the City University of New York, Bronx Community College. He is the co-editor of the 19th edition of the economics textbook Real World Globalization. His co-authored journal article “The Making & Un-Making of the Modern Afghan State” will be published in spring 2022 in the Journal of Global South Studies.

THE VALEDICTION ROUNDTABLES – “Exposing the Failure of Empire and Reclaiming the Narrative Creation Process” – are inspired by THE VALEDICTION, Paul and Liz’s two-book memoir about their journalism in Afghanistan after the 1979 Soviet invasion. American media’s reluctance to broadcast the truths that they had found launched Paul and Liz on a journey into history and mysticism, which, they discovered, is the real power behind empires.


Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, co-authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story; Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire; The Valediction: Three Nights of Desmond, and The Valediction: Resurrection.

Host: RA “Kris” Millegan, TrineDay publisher (160 books since 2002). author of many articles, and editor of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society.

Moderator: Bruce de Torres, author of God, School, 9/11 and JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free.